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Zogo Support how can we help

Discover tips and tricks, find answers to common questions, and get help!

Popular questions

How does Zogo work?
Why do I need to confirm my email address?
Why do I need to verify my account to get a reward?
What is Stripe verification? Why do I need to submit an ID to Stripe?
What documents are accepted for Stripe Identity verification?
I'm too young to have a government-issued ID. How can I verify my account?
Why can’t I use my ID to verify multiple accounts?
My account is sponsored. What does that mean?
What's the best way to earn Pineapples?
How do I exchange my Pineapples for rewards?
How do I get more hearts?
How do Streaks work?
Don't want any contact from Zogo or our partners?
Have an educational content request?
Where can I find Zogo's terms of service?
What does Zogo mean by "Pineapples"?
Where is my gift card? My friend got theirs instantly!
Why aren't my gift cards restocking?
Why was my gift card redemption flagged for review?
Why can't I sign up with my phone number?
How do I get Pineapples for referring my friend?
How do I get Pineapples from a community challenge?
What does Zogo do with my data?

Still need help?

Email us for technical support ( and we will get back to you within 48 hours.
Pro Tip: Use the email account associated with your Zogo account and include your phone number so we can respond to you even quicker!